Quest for novel quantum phases and elucidation of them in correlated-many-electron or quantum-spin systems is at the heart of condensed matter physics for decades, and has been our mission. Neutron inelastic scattering is a powerful tool to achieve this goal, enabling us to directly observe spin dynamics in condensed matter. Recently, the advantage of using invariance on continuous deformation (topology) becomes widely recognized for elucidating physical properties of many-body quantum systems; a celebrated example may be electronic topological insulator. We searched for such topological states in quantum magnets, and found topologically nontrivial quasiparticles (triplons) in the quantum dimerized antiferromagnet Ba2CuSi2O6Cl2. Another recent discovery is the intriguing slow dynamics of the lattice of skyrmions, a topological spin texture in an itinerant chiral magnet. Our activity to find and understand novel quantum phases, in particular characterized by its topological nature, is advancing.